final exam around the corner.

21:06 pm.

Salam. There's only left a few days before the war will start (final exam). I'm not ready for this. My first paper will be on this Friday, 9th June 2017. Islamic Banking Operations subject. I hope this semester final exam I will do better even though I still studying last minute (not really last minute actually). At least I still have time to study before and do some revisions and notes. Thank you Adele for your advice, every time the final is around the corner, I wish I can do better in the back few weeks before the exam is start. I hope I am not going to fall asleep during the final exam, since this examinations falls within the month of Ramadan, so I think maybe it will be more better for me. For those who are start their first paper tomorrow, good luck guys ! 

Special to Adila Ilyana, may you wish will be fulfilled girl. Hope Allah will ease everything for you :)

Sincerely, lot of loves.


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