The fact is, you already left.

I'm scared you’re going to leave because that’s what I knows, that’s what’s familiar. That’s what has happened to me in the past. Love and leave. I've been a part of that before.

I'm scared you’re going to leave because occasionally my insecurities get the best of me. My insecurities tell me to act in ways I never would, they whisper things I thinks are true, they win the space in my head where happiness once grew and they take it over. My insecurities are the ones telling me I'm not enough, that you will leave me for someone else eventually, someone who’s better for you, someone who’s better than me.

I'm scared you’re going to leave because any time something in me life seems to be going right, it suddenly goes wrong. What goes up must come down, and when things go up for me they come back down lower than where we started.

I'm scared you’re going to leave because I'm terrified of the way I’ll feel if you do. I knows it won’t be pretty. I knows it will be a type of hurt I never felt before because although I'm familiar with those who love and leave, each time someone does it, I feels a new kind of pain.


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